Kali ini kami jalan-jalan ke taman privat lagi. Rumahnya salah satu pemilik Old Westbury Garden. Letaknya tidak jauh dari OWG karena hampir satu area di Old Westbury ini punyanya keluarga ini..(Kaya parah). Take a look of the photos
One of the formal garden ( taman ini sebenarnya dirancang simetris, tapi pilihan tanaman di kiri kanannya beda tahu kenapa? karena yang satu full sun, yang satu lagi shady. Nice consideration.. |
Bath house (Chinese style). At first time I was curios why Phips family has a lot chinese thing, also ini Old Westbury Mansion. And I got the answer from my boss. She said in the era of phips family life (late 18th- early 19th, the trading with china had just bgun. So to show you are the rich people, you need to have a lot of thing from china. Kinda different right now, rite! |
Sundial everywhere (the time it was showed almost exact) |
the pool and ranch at far |
main house (almost the same style with OWG) |
they have a lot of trees collection on their garden |
Japanese Garden: What essential element of japanese garden: I guess, stone, water, and short weeping tree... |
The ranch: Get a horse..and yiha... |
This stone remind me of Norman K. Booth book. I dont know why. May be theres a lot of this kind of stone there |
hidrangea walk |
fern walk |
group on azalea walk ( they group the plant, so you can see it like go to botanical garden and enjoy and learn an abundances cultivar that they collected |
farmhouse, and worker house (so america |
Kapan ya punya rumah kayak gini!he...
See ya....
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