Thursday, 27 October 2011

Fall Flower

Lets take a journey on the garden in fall season!!
Taken on late summer/early fall
Mum (Chrisanthemum) adalah primadona musim gugur!! lebih dari 1000 mum ditanam di OWG, dengan kuran lebih 10 varietas
The good thing of walled garden design is how they planned the plant to become point of interest by turns. seiring dengan tumbuhnya taman point interestnya akan berpindah2. misalnya dalam kasus mum ini. gak semua mums bakal mekar dalam waktu bersamaan, ada yang di awal fall, atau late fall alhasil sepanjang fall tetap ada yang menarik dari taman ini.
teratai masih bertahan
nice pink mums
colour in blend
the corner
upstair walled garden
Rose garden
cottage garden
scarecrow garden (temporary exhibition to welcoing the haloween, the scarecrows are collected by participant around garden)
salvia still blooming
ornamental cabbbage
 Taken on mid fall

yellow on the container

lotus are gone, shortly the water lily also

the corner (look how it differ from the same spot photo above

another spot
purple nice
dahlia also star now... especially for background
rose still blooming
See you

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